Resize disks in GKE StatefulSet

Important: this change will cause recreation of all pods in the StatefulSet, which can cause downtime if application is not highly available.

Steps to resize StatefulSet persistent disks

  1. Check the actual disks sizes in GCP
gcloud compute disks list
  1. List existing persistent volumes and corresponding persistent volume claims:
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc -n prod
  1. Ensure that the storage class of the volumes for resizing has set AllowVolumeExpansion=True
kubectl describe sc sourcegraph | grep AllowVolumeExpansion
# should be: AllowVolumeExpansion:  True
  1. Ensure that storage class of the volumes for resizing has set ReclaimPolicy=Retain
kubectl describe sc sourcegraph | grep ReclaimPolicy
# should be: ReclaimPolicy: Retain
  1. Modify persistent volume claims to have new size

Note: do it for ALL persistent volumes used by StatefulSet!

for i in $(kubectl get pvc -n prod --no-headers -l app=gitserver | awk '{print $1}'); do
  kubectl patch pvc "$i" -n prod -p '{ "spec": { "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "YOUR STORAGE VALUE" }}}}'

  1. Ensure that all resized persistent volumes, persistent volume claims and google disks has new value:
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc -n prod
gcloud compute disks list
  1. Delete StatefulSet without deleting the pods (--cascade='orphan')

Important: without --cascade='orphan' you will lose the PVs! (But not the GCP disks since Retain is set on the StorageClass)

kubectl delete sts gitserver --cascade=orphan -n prod
  1. Modify and deploy StatefulSet with extended disk sizes (change storage to <new size> in this example):
  1. Delete StatefulSet pods one by one (optional)


  • only invoke if pods were not recreated in step 8.
kubectl rollout restart sts gitserver -n prod