Name Change Process

This process is for Sourcegraph teammates who have a legal, preferred, or dead name change. There are several steps required to ensure accurate records and compliance with legal requirements.

Step 1 Notify People Ops

  • Notify as soon as possible with your name change request.
  • Please include whether this is a legal name change, preferred name change, or dead name change.
  • If a legal change, include legal documentation such as a court order, marriage certificate, etc. to show proof of the name change.

Step 2: People Ops will review the request and verify the document(s) as valid

For legal name changes, if documents are not found to be valid, will reply to your emailed request to let you know it has been denied.

Step 3: People Ops will notify cross-functional stakeholders via email

The teammate’s name will need to be updated across various systems by various stakeholders

Email Template

To: Payroll, Tech Ops

Cc: People Ops

Hi team,

[TEAMMATE NAME] has requested a legal name change to _. The People team has reviewed the documentation and approved this request. Please update the systems listed below and any other various systems.

People Ops
  • Bamboo (update personal tab and save copy of emailed request to documents folder)
  • Check if any external documents or contracts involving the employee, such as employment agreements or non-disclosure agreements, need to be updated to reflect the new name
Payroll Rippling, which pulls into tax forms, Airbase, and Sequoia
Tech Ops Primary Gmail address and other relevant systems

For Preferred name changes/dead names:

Email Template

To: Tech Ops

Cc: People Ops

Hi team,

[TEAMMATE NAME] has requested a legal name change to _. The People team has approved this request. Please update the systems listed below and any other various systems.

People Ops
  • Bamboo (update personal tab and save copy of emailed request to documents folder)
  • Check if any external documents or contracts involving the employee, such as employment agreements or non-disclosure agreements, need to be updated to reflect the new name
Tech Ops Primary Gmail address and other relevant systems

Step 4: People Ops will respond to confirm the updates have been made and clarify any remaining updates that need to be actioned by the teammate directly

  • Teammate bio in handbook
  • If the employee interacts with customers, clients, or vendors, consider notifying them of the name change to maintain transparency.
  • Slack profile
  • Gmail signature
  • Carta (if legal name change)
  • Human Interest (if legal name change)